Digital Controllers
Multiple Local Area Networks combine
form large System Architecture
multiple PC Based Servers to connect the various LANs to a campus
wide Intranet, the standard CPI Local Area Network (LAN) within
a given building is connected to other LANs to form a comprehensive
System of interactive control processes for central monitoring,
reporting and controlling with unlimited potential.
As defined in the Typical Local Area Network Architecture section
above, the EM Solutions Controllers can support the interface
with multiple peripheral devices, execute all desired monitoring,
calculating, controlling and reporting functions, and exchange data
with other units to form a seamless System for proper interface
with related mechanical processes.
And the ManagePak Engineering Workstation host software for
Windows (Mpak EW Windows) add a substantial amount of central/remote
user interface tools for enhanced operations with the LAN through
the use of the Server and various Client software features (see
Host Software section above). Since the software uses TCP/IP Ethernet
based addressing, all of the Client software products can be operated
at remote locations on the Intranet and certain products support
the Internet interface as well. Appropriate Client Software products
offer multiple Server TCP/IP addresses to facilitate manual and
automatic communications with remote Servers and LANs. |